What Does a Queen Ant Look Like

What Does a Queen Ant Look Like

What Does a Queen Ant Look Like?


What do queen ants look like? the queen ant can have a different appearance depending on the species of queen ant you come across. But in regards to the look, they always have the same sort of body structure and are always 4x times bigger than the worker ants.


During the nuptial flights between June to September, you will see young queens running across the floor after mating. Looking for somewhere to start there very own ant colony. A lot of people mistake these for some more solid ant. But these are the young queens from a previous colony that have mated with male ants. Once they have mated they usual remove their wings but you will see some with wings still after mating. Also known as flying ants or flying ant season these are the new queens ready to start the colony.


The picture above is what a queen ant looks like, this is the basis flavours queen species. It mates between June to September and can be found everywhere in Europe, north America, England and some parts of Africa.


So if you have been wondering what do queen ants look like?. Just take a look at the image above for reference and you never know you may even find yourself a queen ant to start your very own ant colony.


Some tips on identifying a queen ant, and how they look:

  • Queen ant is always 4 times larger than a worker ant. (depending on the species as some major ants can be the size of a queen ant)
  • To identify a queen take a look at her fat abdomen if it’s got one, its more than likely a queen ant.
  • Always best to find a queen during egg laying season between spring to late summer, as she produces eggs she will be much bigger than normal.


I hope this helps you understand what do queen ants look like.



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